The YMCA is a vital part of your community. Funds raised for The Strong Kids Campaign directly provide financial assistance for children, families and individuals to participate in their YMCA. From our youth sports, to child care and senior wellness, the YMCA provides a comprehensive array of health and human services. As one of the largest and oldest charitable organizations in the region, you can rest assured that your designated gift remains in your community. Thank you for supporting the YMCA.

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer at the Y:
Across the United States, more than 500,000 business leaders, community advocates, parents, teens and individuals who want to give back and support their neighbors volunteer at the Y. That’s because in 10,000 neighborhoods nationwide we have the presence and partnerships to not just promise, but deliver positive, personal and social change. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, Y volunteers give men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life the resources and support they need to be healthy, confident, connected and secure.
Volunteers of the Y:
Lead our Boards of Directors and committees
Raise funds to ensure the Y is accessible to all members of the community
Coach our sports teams and teach many of our classes
Motivate and support youth in building the character strengths, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, smart life choices, and the pursuit of higher education and goals
Extend a hand to help adults who want to do more, be more or live healthier
Advocate for the Y’s efforts to influence policies and initiatives that positively impact societal issues of importance to the nation, and your community
Participate in opportunities to give back and support neighbors
The Y is a nonprofit like no other. Take an active role in strengthening your community.
To get involved, call 814-375-9622 or email dtdowling@comcast.net

Annual Giving Campaign
Strong Kids Campaign
Every day, gifts to the Strong Kids Campaign make a difference in someone’s life. Each gift is used to provide assistance to people in our community who are experiencing financial difficulty. In fact, each year the need exceeds the funds that we raise and we draw on other sources to close the gap. The YMCA is committed to ensuring that our programs are available to anyone who would like to use them. We believe that our programming lays the groundwork for healthy futures, builds a sense of community, and conveys the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Yes, children learn to swim, kids have somewhere to go after school and we teach about healthy lifestyles, but the YMCA is far more than that. We are a place where kids find direction, families come together and people rally to make a difference.

Financial Assistance
Strong Kids
We’re committed to providing quality programs and services to everyone in the community. Thanks to the support of our generous donors, our annual campaign raises more than $40,000 to fund our Strong Kids programs. Through the Income-based Rate Scale we are able to make the YMCA accessible to all.
Income-based Rate Scale
Through the income-based rate system for membership and some programs, we have designed a scale to fit each individual’s and family’s financial situation. Income verification is required to register as a member or program participant.
Additional financial assistance, based on demonstrated ability to pay, and the YMCA’s ability to fund the amount requested, will be made available. Applications are available at the Member Service Desk at each YMCA. All financial assistance information is kept confidential

A gift to the YMCA Endowment Fund is an investment in the beliefs that guide us. The Y invites you to make a gift of a lifetime that benefits both you and the Y.
Giving Is As Individual As You
Making a charitable gift is an expression of cherished values and priorities. The Y recognizes that no two donors and no two gifts have the same aspirations and motivations. Through a deliberate and thoughtful process, Y development staff will work with you and/or your advisors to create a giving opportunity that reflects you and your family’s unique desires. If you are inspired by a specific interest, your gift may be designated to support specific projects or endow the general endowment fund.
Giving Is Trustworthy And Flexible
The Y takes seriously the trust our donors place in us. Gifts to the Endowment Fund are kept in perpetuity and invested to generate income that is used to further the work of the Y. How a particular donor chooses to make a gift varies. Whether an immediate or planned gift, all that is necessary, is a commitment to benefit the Y’s endowment. To ensure your gift is in keeping with your estate and financial needs, the Y encourages donors to discuss contributions with their family legal and/or financial advisors.
Heritage Club
The members of the YMCA Heritage Club are men and women who have made specific gifts to the YMCA Endowment Fund, ensuring the Y’s ability to be a positive force in this community for years to come. An outright gift or naming the YMCA Endowment Fund as a beneficiary qualifies you for membership.
Outright Gifts
Immediate gifts of cash, appreciated securities, real or tangible property are welcome additions to the YMCA Endowment Fund.
Wills and Revocable Living Trusts
A bequest to the Y by will or living trust permits you to retain all your assets during your life. You may designate a percentage of your estate, a specified amount or the residue of your estate.
Charitable Trusts
Charitable trusts can provide income to you and/or a loved one for life. At death, the trust principal passes to the YMCA Endowment. You may name other charities as principal recipients as well.
Life Insurance
When you no longer need the protection of an existing insurance policy, you can transfer the policy to the Y and receive tax benefits for you and a generous gift to the Y.
Beneficiary Designations
You may add the Y as a beneficiary of your IRA, pension plan, bank account or insurance policy.
"To find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - R.W. Emerson